Our most essential resource.
Our greatest point of connection.
Shared Waters Lab
Our Vision
The Fletcher School’s Shared Waters Lab at Tufts University is a research initiative that works to explore the complexities surrounding cooperation over freshwater resources that transect or define boundaries, with the aim to promote and encourage effective cooperative processes that are equitable and sustainable.
Current Projects
Monitoring for International Hydropolitical Tensions
With researchers at Oregon State University, University of Geneva, IHE-Delft, and IUCN, this collaborative project aims to combine quantitative and qualitative approaches to monitor international hydropolitical tensions and identify opportunities for cooperation to encourage a more effective cooperative process over internationally shared waters
Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation
Based on the recent book, Defining Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation, this project aims to refine our understanding of effective transboundary water cooperation to support sustainability and equitability over shared waters and develop place-based strategies in collaboration with basin actors to increase effective cooperation.
Defining Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation
With the increasing focus on transboundary cooperation as a part of the Sustainable Development Goal Framework, there is global recognition of transboundary water cooperation as a tool for improved governance and management of transboundary surface and groundwaters. This book establishes a framework for defining that cooperation and a methodology for evaluating its effectiveness, which will contribute to more successful cooperation processes.