Defining Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation
by Dr. Melissa McCracken
With the increasing focus on transboundary cooperation as a part of the Sustainable Development Goal Framework, there is global recognition of transboundary water cooperation as a tool for improved governance and management of transboundary surface and groundwaters. However, there is not an agreed-upon definition of transboundary water cooperation in the literature or in practice.
This book develops the Four Frames of Transboundary Water Cooperation, which is a neutral modular framework for developing context-specific explanatory definitions of transboundary water cooperation in basins and aquifers. The Four Frames of Cooperation are: legal, institutional, relational, and outcome.
However, we need to move beyond defining cooperation to understand better measures of the quality and effectiveness of cooperative processes. The Weighted Model of Effective Cooperation, also developed by this book, presents a first step in qualitatively evaluating the effectiveness of transboundary water cooperation. This model defines effective transboundary water cooperation and operationalizes a method to evaluate the effectiveness of cooperative processes over internationally shared waters.
Effective cooperation emphasizes the relational and outcome frames of cooperation while working toward equitability and sustainability. Together, the Four Frames of Cooperation and the Weighted Model of Effective Cooperation will improve the understanding of cooperation and encourage a detailed evaluation of the quality, success, and effectiveness of cooperative processes.
Table of Contents
Using a common language for transboundary waters
Part 1: Why is a consistent definition to measure transboundary water cooperation needed?
Presenting the two challenges: Defining transboundary water cooperation and measuring its effectiveness
Demonstrating the challenges: SDG Indicator 6.5.2 – Measuring operational arrangements for transboundary water cooperation
Part II: Challenge 1: How is transboundary water cooperation defined?
A lack of consensus in defining transboundary water cooperation
Similar terms: Teasing out definitions of transboundary water cooperation
Framing transboundary water cooperation: A framework definition
Part III: Challenge 2: What makes transboundary water cooperation effective?
Murky waters: Trying to define effectiveness for transboundary water cooperation
Unpacking effectiveness: Developing a definition of effective transboundary water cooperation
Evaluating effective transboundary water cooperation: A model for effectiveness
A path forward for effective cooperation over transboundary waters
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